Club de tennis Beauport-Ouest - Divisions - Tennis en Ligne™
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Club de tennis Beauport-Ouest

  • Parc Saint-Ignace
Active Divisions
Ligue de double mixte - mardi soir
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1Mario De Alneida000-00-00-
1David Berthiaume000-00-00-
1Marielle Gaudet000-00-00-
1Jean Daigle000-00-00-
1Benoit Dufour000-00-00-
1Sylvain Fortin000-00-00-
1RĂ©mi Garneau000-00-00-
1Catherine Tremblay000-00-00-
1Jean Denis000-00-00-
1DENIS LAROCHE000-00-00-
1GĂ©rard LĂ©vesque000-00-00-
1louise Thériault000-00-00-
MW Matches won
ML Matches lost
MW% Percentage of matches won
SW Sets won
SL Sets lost
SW% Percentage of set won
GW Games won
GL Games lost
GW% Percentage of games won
3 pts by match won without set lost
2 pts by match won with set lost
1 pts by match won by default
1 pts by match won by withdraw
1 pts by match lost without set won
2 pts by match lost with set won
1 pts by match lost by default
1 pts by match lost by withdraw
1- Matches won (Descending)
2- Matches lost (Ascending)
3- Sets won (Descending)
4- Sets lost (Ascending)
5- Games won (Descending)
6- Games lost (Ascending)
This division is included in a session
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