Tennis groups - Tennis en Ligne™
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Tennis groups

Published Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We are proud to introduce our new group system.

We are proud to introduce our new group system. It was set up to facilitate the meeting of tennis players on the Internet. This article is intended to inform and guide you when creating your groups. You will discover some tips and tricks to use the feature successfully.

First of all, what is a group? A group is a set of players who have common interests. It can be public or private and may be open to all or by invitation only. In the case of invitation-only groups, the group's organizer must accept or reject membership from members who have sent a request from its public page.

Some groups are automatically created for you and will be accessible on your first connection. To consult your group list, click on the "Groups" menu item in your account home page. This page lists all the groups that belong to you, or you are responsible for (clubs). Community groups you belong to are also available from this page.

We have created a group for each common interest that we thought necessary in order to enrich the experience of matches and friendly competitions. If you have an idea of a new kind of group and want to use it, let us know by clicking here.

All group types can contain what we call divisions. These divisions allow the grouping of similar players according to a criterion or category for a given period. For instance, you can create divisions by age, playing experience, rating, genre, etc. You can create up to six simultaneous divisions within each group of which you are the organizer. The community groups have the same restriction except that every member of those groups can create divisions. The divisions which the date range is in the past are automatically transferred to the archives so you can create new ones.

Here is the list of group types offered by Tennis en Ligne :

Les groupes


It regroups all players with a close bond of friendship or acquaintances in common. This group is automatically available when creating your profile on Tennis en Ligne. It can be public or private.

You may fill your Friends group with players from your favorite players list. To add a player to your favorites, navigate to the page listing the players of a specific region and click on the star in the top right corner of the chosen player's tile. You can also click on the "Add" button from the player's public profile. Players added to your favorites will be available to manage from all your groups' players whom you are the organizer.


Set of players being work colleagues. This group is created automatically when you enter your workplace in the member profile. You only have to indicate the company name where you work when updating your profile to be automatically included in your work groupYou'll be able to create divisions for your work department, sector, branch etc or join one. This group was designed to bring together colleagues via a friendly competition.


Set of players having a relationship. This group is automatically created when you create your profile on Tennis Online. It can be public or private. As for the "Friends" group, you can fill your family group from the list of your favorite players. This group closely reassemble all family member.


Set of players who have studied or are currently studying in the same school, college, university, etc.. It is created automatically when you enter your school in the member profile. You just have to indicate the name of your institution when updating your profile, and you will be included in your school group You'll be able to create divisions for your school, year, class, etc.. or join one. It was set up to allow students to compete and play together.


Set of players playing tennis at the same sports center. It is created automatically when entering your sports facility in your member profile. You have to indicate the name of your sport center when updating your profile, and you will be included in your sport center group. You'll be able to create divisions by experience, subgroup, genre, etc. or join one It was set up to allow players to keep their results during the winter season and reassemble all players in sports centers.


Set of players under the responsibility of a tennis coach. If you are a coach and want to create a group for your students, please identify yourself as a coach in your member profil. A coach group will be created automatically, and you will be the captain.

The coach
must accept or reject applications for membership to the group from its students. They must be member of Tennis Online and than make a request in the coach group public page
This type of group allow the coach to check the progress of his team outside tennis courts and create duels between them.


Set of players who are member of the same tennis club. We strongly encourage tennis clubs and organizations to register on Tennis Online. Our goal is to promote them by encouraging members to register their club directly on the public page of it

We know that clubs and organizations are essential for the training of the future athletes in this sport. To do this, the match for clubs will have the advantage to be played at 4 starsThis will therefore allow players to earn more points and increase more rapidly in the ranking of their region (and courts) while remaining in their league.

To become the captain of a club, just click on the link "I am the organizer" on the public page of the club and send us your information. Afeter we accept your application, the club will be available in your account, and you will be responsible for appointing other organizer to manage your group divisions. The club can create up to six divisions for each organizer. Subscription clubs will be available to all player's Tennis Online. The club host must accept and reject applications made by players. The subscription fee for the club will be paid directly on Tennis Online


You are the owner or manager of a club?

Click here to find your club in the list of clubs and follow the instructions to become the owner. We will receive an email and communicate with you shortly.

You are a member of a club?

Cliquez ici to find your club in the list of club and follow the instruction to join the club group. The owner of the group will receive an email and communicate with you for further information on the subscription.


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